Associate professor of African American studies Benjamin Weber joins Chancellor Gary S. May on this month’s episode of Face to Face. Weber was part of the 2020-21 cohort of CAMPSSAH (Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspective on Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities) Scholars.
Professor Maxine Craig, Ph.D. was recently appointed as new faculty director of the Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Social Science, Arts, and Humanities (CAMPSSAH). Craig is a professor in the sociology department and since 2020 has served that department as vice chair and director of the graduate program. Craig will take charge of a thriving and growing center on February 1, 2024 that now includes 24 Faculty Scholars from four colleges and schools and 12 departments across UC Davis.
Professor Jessica Bissett Perea (Dena'ina) was recently selected for the 2023 Irving Lowens Book Award for her 2021 book Sound Relations: Native Ways of Doing Music History in Alaska. This award is bestowed by the Society for American Music and is awarded "to the book judged as the best in the field of American Music."
Don’t Say "It’s Just Cultural Genocide;” It’s Genocide: Colonial Exceptionalism and Contemporary Opportunities for Intersectional Solidarity in the Study of Indigenous Genocide
Black girls are often disproportionately discIplined and underexposed to academic opportunities (e.g., gifted education) that support thelr hollstic well-belng. Using the CIvil RIghts Data Collection, we examine proportionality and disproportionality in promotive and inhlbitive outcomes among Black girls in schools and districts throughout Callfornla.